Thoughts Sunday, January 15, 2023

If You Are Wise, You Will Look To The Star

This week as I read the account of the wise men in Matthew chapter two, I was struck by their ability to observe the heavens, see the new star, and connect it with the prophecies concerning the birth of the Messiah. After doing a little research, I learned that these men were probably advisors to their kings and were tasked with these kinds of observations. It was not uncommon in their day for kings to send gifts to other kings to win favor from them. They believed that Jesus was a king but not necessarily anything more. Interestingly, they were sensitive to the Spirit of God and adjusted their travel plans to avoid Herod.

This idea got me thinking of this story as a metaphor that we can use to become more observant of what is happening around us and couple that with prophecy. I will go through the elements of the story and point out what they mean to me and their relevance in scripture.

First, wise men and women need to look to the heavens. We all need to raise our eyes and thoughts above worldly concerns. We should be familiar enough with what we observe that when something changes, we notice it, and we need to know what it means. Almost everything that happens has spiritual implications, so we need to pay attention to the small and large impressions that accompany our observations.

Next, we should act. When we fail to adapt to changes in the world around us, we inevitably fall behind or suffer the consequences of inaction. Our reactions to change do not require us to blindly follow society’s narratives. In fact, considering the state of current affairs, following the societal shepherds may lead us off a cliff. Maybe detaching from the collective is the best option.

Like the wise men in the story, we need to ask for direction. They didn’t know exactly where they were going, only that a sign had been given, and they went seeking the King. When we observe the signs of the times, we may not know exactly where to turn or what to do next. Fortunately for us, we have prophets and leaders who are tasked by our King to be watchmen on the tower, so to speak. They form a broad communication network that spans most of the earth. While they may not have all the answers, we have access to the Holy Spirit, who knows the end from the beginning and will give us direction.

So what about the star? The Book of Revelation chapter 22, verse 16 reads, “I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.” 2 Peter 1:19 reads, ” ​​​​We​ have also a more ​​​sure​ word of ​​​prophecy​; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day ​​​star​ arise in your hearts:”

A star is an interesting metaphor for the Savior. In the past, stars were used to navigate a specific course as they were constant and reliable, and Jesus is certainly all that for us. Stars do not provide enough light to illuminate the path; they only give direction. As the verse in Peter suggests, the star shines in a dark place, and if we give heed to it, eventually, the day star or the sun will rise and provide perfect illumination for us.

I hope we will look to the heavens for guidance and be observant enough to notice when things change, then act accordingly.