A Summary of The Revelation
For the past three weeks, I have discussed some ways to interpret the symbolism in the book of Revelation. It has not been comprehensive in its scope but focused enough to make the text much easier to understand. So today, I will attempt to summarize the main concepts and doctrines found in the sometimes confusing language.
John starts by explaining what he is about to write, along with a greeting to the seven churches. Right away, we see the use of the number seven, meaning whole or complete. He could have said, “John to the kingdom of God on the earth,” instead of, “John to the seven churches…”. Seven areas are named in this case, so John is both symbolic and literal. He then calls the churches candlesticks, meaning they are sources of light to the world. And in the midst of the candlesticks is the Son of Man in his glory, who is the source of the light of the candlesticks.
I will not go on with a play-by-play analysis of the whole book. It is up to you to apply the pattern to the Revelation as you read it.
The Revelation of John, on the whole, recounts the history and future of humankind and the struggle between good and evil. The participants are God the Father, His Son (the Lamb of God), Satan (the dragon), and others, such as the 24 elders. The voice of thunder and trumps represents the Holy Ghost. Books are mentioned several times and can be interpreted as containing the records of events of all earthly affairs. The seals are essential events or dispensations of God’s authority over time. They sometimes describe times of tribulations or blessings, and because they come in sevens, you could think of these as a full measure of both.
The takeaway from Revelation is that we can expect to see every type of corruption and evil, along with the total victory over death and hell. Each of the destructive events, periods of tribulations, and judgments will happen repeatedly. They are not one-time events, with a few exceptions. They can be applied to us as individuals and to the world as a whole. In some cases, God intervenes in a protective or miraculous way where the situation requires and is usually associated with three and one-half, forty-two, or 1260 days.
The number associated with Satan is 666. If six means incomplete, then the repeated sixes emphasize deficiency. Anything that leaves one wanting could be described this way. All of the destructive forces used by humans to subjugate and control others with the intention of becoming a god to them have Satan as their author and bear this mark. This means any institution that seeks to destroy our agency by limiting our ability to act in world affairs or meet our physical needs bears the mark of the beast. Satan is incomplete, not whole, because of his rebellion against God. He misused his agency and cut himself off from further progress.
The other mark discussed in the Revelation is associated with those who make covenants with God. This is described as being sealed in their foreheads. The blessings associated with being sealed are:
- That we are identifying with God as belonging to Him.
- They are exempt from many judgments and calamities that befall the wicked and receive His mercy and protection.
- They are protected spiritually and are safeguarded from harm and deception.
- They are preserved to participate in establishing the Kingdom of God on the earth.
At the end of the Revelation, Christ prevails with all who follow him by making and keeping covenants. Really, the Book of Revelation is pretty simple. It is doomsday and apocalypse for the wicked and glory for those sealed by God, and being such is our choice. It is a decision to become whole, complete, and perfect through the blood of the Lamb, who “wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation; And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth.” “Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing.”