Thoughts Sunday, May 12, 2024

Bondage and Deliverance

Announcement: I am going to make these Sunday thoughts shorter. If you appreciate the simple shorter format let me know. If you prefer a more in-depth discussion, I will start working on much longer focused articles that I will make available in a subscription-based section on Substack. The cost will not be high, and it will help cover my software and web hosting costs. Please let me know if that is of interest to you.

In the book of Mosiah, we read about the people who left the city of Zarahemla to return to the land they referred to as the land of their first inheritance. The short version is that they made a bad deal with the Lamanites, who possessed the land and fell into bondage when they became too prosperous for their neighbors. Being overwhelmed by their enemies, the people of Zeniff, then Noah, followed by Limhi, were forced to pay an excessive tax to the Lamanite kings over the years.

This scenario has played out many times in history and continues to this day. Although the context changes, the patterns of bondage and deliverance remain unchanged. One party acts hastily and forgets its values, and the entity that holds most of the cards or calls the shots takes advantage of the situation.

There are many forms of bondage we experience in our day. Debt for homes and cars is nearly unavoidable for most of us. These financial commitments require us to spend much time working to cover our living expenses. We get into trouble when we try to live beyond our means. Excessive debt can be as oppressive as anything you can imagine. The overwhelming pressures of financial burdens can destroy precious relationships and at least cause unnecessary friction.

Addiction is another form of bondage that is as destructive as you can imagine. Being a slave to a substance, whether it is chemical, unhealthy foods, or behavioral, limits our free will and stops our development and progress through life.

Each of the forms of oppression I have discussed is generally self-inflicted. None of us are immune to making mistakes that put us in a form of bondage. To boil it down to simple terms, we sin. We don’t take the time to weigh out the consequences of our actions. Doing so makes us vulnerable to those who will take advantage of our weakened circumstances.

The accounts in the Book of Mormon where entire peoples are in bondage to another group of people is a common theme in scripture. The Israelites were in bondage for hundreds of years and lost their connection to their God. Their only salvation was God. The people of Limhi needed divine help to escape their oppressor. Likewise, we need divine help when we find ourselves over our heads with debt, addiction, or mental health struggles.

Fortunately, our loving Father in Heaven stands ready to help when we call on him. Whether we need a Moses or Ammon to point the way out of our troubles or the mercy of Christ to forgive us and free us from the bondage of sin, help will come if we turn to God. It happens every time.

Take some time to evaluate your situation and see how you are in bondage and call upon Heavenly Father for help. There is no other way to deliverance than through Christ.